1030 Main St., Manson, IA  |  Central Office 712-469-2202  |  Jr/Sr High 712-469-2245  |  Elementary 515-542-3211   |  Consortium School 515-576-6967

TAG Education at MNW Schools

The mission of the TAG program at Manson Northwest Webster Community Schools is to provide educational opportunities for Talented and Gifted students so they may reach their full potential in all educational settings and at all stages of learning.

Elementary TAG

In Elementary TAG, we look for students who demonstrate an ability to think differently.  These are students who problem solve in unique and interesting ways.  We want to give these gifted students a place where they can foster and grow their cognitive abilities through  activities, games, puzzles, and individualized and personal projects.

TAG Program Packet

TAG Program Packet-updated 9_14_16.pdf

Secondary TAG

Junior high TAG students meet together daily during PRIDE Time. Using the NAGC Standards, students partake in self-directed passion projects.

High school TAG students can meet with Mrs. Westerhoff during any free period to work on individual goals such as career and college planning, acceleration of coursework, or extracurricular academic programs like National History Day, Quiz Bowl, or Mock Trial.  Students who are identified as gifted are eligible to take college courses as freshmen.