1030 Main St., Manson, IA | Central Office 712-469-2202 | Jr/Sr High 712-469-2245 | Elementary 515-542-3211 | Consortium School 515-576-6967
At an elementary school, everyone teaches literacy! But our literacy team lead the way with research-based tools and strategies for our teachers. Our literacy team is led by Katie Nelson. Check out the literacy page here.
Math is around kids everywhere, from saving (or spending!) their allowance, cooking with their parents, or seeing how tall they've grown in the last year. It is essential that students have both procedural knowledge and conceptual understanding of the subject, so they understand not only how to solve a problem but why it's done the way it's done. Our math team is lead by Kelsey Stein. Look at the math page here.
Science instruction at MNW Elementary provides students with multiple opportunities for hands-on experiments and activities. Students strive to develop a strong background knowledge to apply to the real world and their own lives. Our science team is led by Trudi Cabrera. Visit the science page here.
All TK - 6th grade students have a 40 minute "special" class every day, either Art with Josh Anderson, P.E. with Wade Wubben, General Music with Deb Ausborn or Rachel Black, Students have book checkout and Library/Technology class with Susan Ames. Each of these teachers are certified in their content area and focus their teaching on the Iowa Core's 21st Century Skills as well as their own content area standards. Students also meet with Pam Bleam for a 30-minute Guidance class once a week. In Guidance, students explore being a good friend, problem solving, goal setting, and stress management. Additionally, fifth and sixth graders have the opportunity to participate in Band with Mr. Bleam.
The special education staff at MNW Elementary strive to provide a positive learning environment for all students, work collaboratively with general education teachers to provide support and resources so that all students have the opportunity to excel, and assist students to further develop their strengths as well as weaknesses by working with them individually or in small groups. The special ed team are Ashley Pugh (Behavior), Deedra Harman (Grades K-2), Dawn Peterson (Grades 3-4), Michelle Ruhland (Grades 5-6), and Kelly Tincher (preschool). You can find the special education page here.
The mission of the TAG program at Manson Northwest Webster Community Schools is to provide educational opportunities for Talented and Gifted students so they may reach their full potential in all educational settings and at all stages of learning. Josh Anderson is MNW Elementary's TAG teacher and the TAG page is here.
Manson Northwest Webster Preschool's goal is to provide a high quality program meeting each child's needs, including children with disabilities and those with diverse backgrounds. The Preschool team is made up of Kelly Tincher and Janet Olson-Egli. Visit the Preschool page here.